All On Four Dental Implants

Instant Transformation – Immediate results with a complete set of teeth on the same day.

Confidence Boost – Natural-looking, confidence-enhancing smile.

Stability and Comfort – Stable and comfortable, no slipping dentures or discomfort.

Google rating score of 4.8 of 5, based on 350+ reviews


Finance Option

Evening and Weekend




Overview of All On Four Dental Implants

Smile in a Day – Immediate same day transformation with a full set of teeth and restored ability to chew on the very day of the procedure, offering unmatched convenience and a “smile in a day” solution.

Enhanced Confidence – Say goodbye to the insecurity of missing teeth. All-on-4 implants provide a natural-looking, aesthetic smile, renewing your self-esteem and boosting your confidence.

Stability and Comfort: Enjoy a stable and comfortable denture alternative without the hassles of removable dentures. All-on-4 implants ensure ease in speaking, eating, and smiling, all on the same day, without concerns of slipping dentures or discomfort. It’s truly a “teeth in a day” experience.

What is the process of getting a dental implant

Easy 3 Step Action plan

Consultation and 3D scan

Placement of dental implant

Connect tooth crown to dental implant


Immediate Teeth Replacement – You can enjoy a complete set of teeth replaced on the same day as the procedure, offering immediate results and convenience.

Enhanced Confidence – Experience a confidence boost with All-on-4 implants, as they remove the insecurities caused by missing teeth. These dental implants offer a natural, aesthetically pleasing smile, revitalizing your self-esteem.

Stability and Comfort: Embrace a reliable and comfortable denture replacement, free from the inconveniences of removable dentures. All-on-4 implants provide the seamless ability to speak, eat, and smile on the very same day, eliminating worries of loose dentures, denture slippage or discomfort. It’s genuinely a ‘teeth in a day’ experience.”

How do I know if I need all on four implants?

Broken Teeth – If you have teeth that are severely damaged or broken beyond repair, All-on-4 implants offer a comprehensive solution by replacing the entire arch of teeth on the same day. This will allow you to regain your ability to eat, speak, and smile confidently.

Missing Teeth: Whether you’re missing a few teeth or an entire set, All-on-4 implants can effectively replace them, even if you’ve suffered extensive tooth loss. They are an excellent option for those who want to regain a full set of teeth in a convenient, same-day procedure.

Wobbly Teeth – For individuals with loose or wobbly teeth, often due to gum disease or other oral health issues, All-on-4 provides a stable and long-lasting alternative. This is by anchoring firmly into your jawbone, replacing wobbly teeth and ensuring a secure, immovable dental solution.

Loose Dentures – If you’re frustrated with the inconvenience and discomfort of traditional dentures that frequently slip or irritate your gums, All-on-4 offers a stable, fixed alternative. They provide denture wearers with the comfort and confidence of a permanent dental set of teeth that does not move, ensuring you can eat, speak, and smile without worry.

After care for all on four dental implants

Adherence to Post-Operative Instructions: – Your Implant dentist will provide specific post-operative guidelines for All-on-4 dental implants. It’s crucial to follow these to minimize discomfort and reduce the risk of complications.

Avoid Smoking and Moderate Alcohol – Smoking can affect the healing process, while excessive alcohol consumption can negatively impact oral health. Quitting smoking and limiting alcohol intake is strongly recommended.

Oral Hygiene Maintenance – Maintain excellent oral hygiene. Gently brush your new teeth and the surrounding areas, paying extra attention to the areas of surgery. Your implant dentist may recommend specialized brushes or mouthwashes for optimal care.

Prevent Teeth Grinding – If you’re prone to teeth grinding, discuss getting a nightguard with your implant dentist. This will protect your All-on-4 dental implants from potential damage.

Regular Check-Ups – Consistent follow-up appointments with your dentist are essential. These visits allow your implant dentist to assess your progress and confirm that your All-on-4 implants are healing and functioning well.

Prioritize Overall Oral Health – Excellent overall oral health is essential for the ongoing success of your All-on-4 dental implants. Continue with routine check-ups and cleans to maintain a healthy environment in the mouth

Dietary Adjustments – Dietary Adjustments: During the early stages of recovery, choose soft foods to avoid undue stress on the implants. As you heal, gradually reintroduce harder foods into your diet once the implants are stable

all on four dental implants cost

All on four dental implants

From £9995 per arch

From £155/mo 0% APR

From £46/mo 5.9-9.9% APR

What Are Dental Implants?

Loose, broken or missing teeth can have a massive impact not only on your smile, but your confidence and self-esteem. Dental implants are the gold standard solution to help replace missing teeth. They are metal cylinders placed into the jaw bone to help support a tooth crown.

Dental implants are a popular option for individuals seeking a long-lasting solution for missing teeth. So, what exactly is a dental implant? Essentially, a dental implant is an artificial tooth root that is surgically inserted into the jawbone. It acts as a stable base for replacement teeth such as crowns or bridges.

The dental implant itself is typically made of titanium, a biocompatible material that fuses with the bone over time, ensuring a secure and durable fit. Dental implants offer several benefits compared to other tooth replacement options, including improved oral function and aesthetics.

While they may require a bit more investment upfront, dental implants are often the best solution for those seeking a permanent and natural-looking tooth replacement.


Alternatives to dental implants


Dental Bridge

Options for
Missing Teeth


Dental Implants




Invasive surgical procedure

Requires support from adjacent teeth

Non-invasive, no surgery






Most natural look and feel

Improved appearance

Some aesthetic compromises

Chewing & Speech

Efficient chewing & speech

Improved function

Reduced chewing efficiency

Affect on jaw bone

Maintains bone health

No affect on bone levels / may lead to bone resorption

May lead to bone resorption


25+ years

7-12 years

Requires frequent repair and maintenance


Low maintenance, like natural teeth

Low maintenance

Regular cleaning and care


Higher initial cost

Moderate initial cost

Most Affordable option


Suitable for most depends on available bone

Suitable in specific cases

Suitable for some


Comfortable and nonremovable

Comfortable and non-removable

Can become uncomfortable, requires adjustments


Suitable for most depends on available bone

No adhesives needed, attached to the adjacent tooth

May require adhesives

Adjustment Period

Minimal adjustment period

Slight adjustment period

Long adjustment period

Dental Implants Before and After

dental implant before and after
dental implant before and after
dental implant before and after

Google rating score of 4.8 of 5, based on 350+ reviews

Porchia A

Got my Invisalign and whitening with dr Kunal at the Fleet Street branch and it really has been life changing. He's given me the confidence to smile and laugh without covering my mouth. Very professional and listens to what i wanted and always exceeded my expectations. Also makes the entire Invisalign journey easy and comfortable as he was always there to answer any questions I had at any time. Highly recommend ruh dental and dr Kunal. It really is the best decision I've made. Had so many compliments on my teeth, even by strangers.


I've been wanting to come to Rüh dental for years for a perfect smile, my experience has been amazing, the whitening kit really has brightened my teeth I'm always getting compliments from everyone so I'm very glad I chose Rüh.

Ellie Rodriguez

I couldn't be happier with my experience at Rüh Dental. The staff are all really friendly and helpful, and every step of the treatment was clearly explained with no sales pressure at any time. My dentist was amazing and I'm so pleased with the outcome.

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All on four dental implants FAQ

What are All-on-4 dental implants?

All-on-4 dental implants, often referred to as “Smile in a Day” or “Teeth in a Day” implants, are a comprehensive solution for those with significant tooth loss. They involve anchoring a full set of teeth onto just four dental implants, providing a secure, efficient, and immediate restoration.

How is the "Smile in a Day" procedure different from traditional dental implants?

The “Smile in a Day” procedure, powered by All-on-4 implants, stands out due to its ability to provide immediate results, offering patients a fully functional set of teeth on the same day as the procedure. Traditional dental implants often require more time for healing and the attachment of teeth.

Who is a suitable candidate for All-on-4 dental implants?

All-on-4 dental implants are ideal for individuals with extensive tooth loss or those seeking a fast and stable tooth replacement solution. The procedure can be tailored to meet various patient needs and is often considered for individuals who want to regain their confidence and oral function.

How long do All-on-4 dental implants last?

With proper care and maintenance, All-on-4 dental implants can last a lifetime. Regular dental check-ups and good oral hygiene practices are key to ensuring their durability.

Is the All-on-4 procedure painful?

The All-on-4 procedure is typically performed under local anesthesia, ensuring minimal discomfort during the process. Post-operative discomfort can be managed with pain relief medication as prescribed by your dentist.

Can I eat normally with All-on-4 dental implants?

Yes, you can enjoy a wide range of foods without restrictions. All-on-4 dental implants provide the stability and strength necessary for comfortable chewing and biting, so you can savour your favorite meals.

Are there any alternatives to All-on-4 dental implants?

Traditional removable dentures and individual dental implants are alternatives, but All-on-4 offers the advantage of quicker results, stability, and convenience.

Do All-on-4 implants look and feel like natural teeth?

Yes, All-on-4 implants are customized to match your facial features and preferences, providing a natural-looking and comfortable solution that boosts your confidence.

Can All-on-4 dental implants be used for both upper and lower arches?

All-on-4 implants can be used for either the upper or lower arch, or both, depending on your unique requirements for full-mouth restoration. Your dentist will help you determine the best approach for your case.