March 28, 2023

How Much Does a Tooth Implant Cost?

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Dr. Billal Arshad GDC 244889


Tooth implants are a popular solution for replacing missing teeth. They provide a natural-looking, permanent replacement that can last for decades with the right care and maintenance. But how much does a tooth implant cost? Let’s explore the costs associated with this procedure and what you should expect.

What are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are an attractive solution if you’re facing an issue with your teeth, such as a missing tooth, one that needs to be replaced and even multiple missing or broken teeth. Unlike bridges and dentures, they are permanently inserted into the jawbone, providing a sturdy foundation that functions just like a natural tooth root under the gum. The tooth part is then connected to the implant to enable you to function just like a natural tooth.

Dental implants can also prevent bone loss in the jaws and help maintain the natural contours of your face. They look so natural that you may even forget it’s not your real teeth! In addition, dental implants require less maintenance than other replacement solutions and can last for many years with good oral hygiene.

How Much Do Dental Implants Cost?

The cost of getting a tooth implant can vary widely depending on several factors, including on when the tooth being replaced was extracted, if there was an infection there and whether or not additional procedures are needed before the implant can be placed such as a bone graft.

In general, most dental implant procedures range from £2500 to £3500 per tooth. This cost typically includes both the surgical placement of the implant as well as the restoration or crown that goes on top of it. However, depending on your specific situation, there may be additional costs for preparation work such as bone grafting if there is not enough bone or a sinus lift if the bone is too thin in the upper jaw. This will all be discussed with you in advance of starting your treatment so that you know what to expect.

What is the process of getting a dental implant?


Before getting a tooth implant, your dentist will need to discuss your wants and needs at your consultation appointment. From here we are able to discuss what is feasible for you and also if there any other alternatives which you may find more suitable.


To ensure the most accurate placement of the dental implant, the dentist will need an accurate picture of the jaw bone which is made clearer through taking the relevant diagnostic records which will include a cone beam CT scan to evaluate the bone quality and quantity in three dimensions.

Dental implants involve placing titanium posts in the jawbone that act as artificial roots for teeth to be connected to them. After numbing the area, your dentist will lift the gum back to expose the jawbone. Then, a small hole is created, which is widened to allow the appropriate sized dental implant to be placed. For some people, this part of the procedure may cause some mild discomfort but as the area is numbed, it generally does not result in any significant pain.

Once the dental implant is inserted, your dentist will close up the gum and let your mouth heal for several weeks before moving forward with attaching a tooth to it. During this healing period, it is normal to experience some swelling and soreness; however, these symptoms can easily be managed with over-the-counter medication or prescriptions prescribed by your treating clinician if necessary. Quite often the tooth to be removed and replaced can be extracted with the implant and tooth attached to the dental implant placed in one appointment.

Overall, getting a tooth implant is a relatively straightforward process that can provide long-term benefits when it comes to restoring missing teeth. The cost may seem high at first glance but when compared with other options such as bridges or dentures—which require more frequent replacements—it quickly becomes clear why many people opt for implants instead!

Are dental implants painful?

Placing the implant

The first step of the dental implant process is the surgery itself. During this stage, your dentist will lift the gum back and insert the implant post into your jawbone where it will serve as a replacement root for the missing tooth. While there may be some discomfort associated with this procedure, it is typically minimal and can be managed with local anesthesia or sedation.

Placing The Crown

The second step of the dental implant process is placing the crown on top of the implanted post. This part of the procedure does not involve any surgery—instead, your dentist will take an impression of your mouth so that a custom-made crown can be created that fits perfectly over the implanted post. Since there is no surgery involved here, there should be no pain associated with this part of the process either.


After the implant has been placed, you should be able to return to most of your daily activities immediately. However, during recovery it is important to practice good oral hygiene habits like brushing twice per day and flossing regularly so that bacteria doesn’t build up around the implant site. Additionally, avoid eating hard or crunchy foods until after your mouth has healed completely from surgery so as not to disrupt the healing process.

Overall, dental implants are generally not very painful because of modern anesthetics and techniques used by dentists today. While there may be some slight discomfort during surgery and during recovery period due to swelling and soreness, these symptoms can easily be managed with proper care at home and routine visits with your dentist for checkups. With proper care and attention paid toward oral hygiene habits after implant placement, most people find that their mouths heal quickly without any long-term pain or discomfort associated with dental implants!

How long do dental implants last?

In short, dental implants can last a lifetime. With the proper care, your implant-supported tooth can last as long as your natural teeth. Of course, this doesn’t mean that you can neglect your oral hygiene or skip regular dental appointments. Just like your natural teeth, your implants need to be brushed and flossed daily. You should also visit your dentist regularly for professional cleanings and checkups.

Can I get dental implant treatment on the NHS?

Unfortunately dental implants are not available in NHS dental practices. In some certain circumstances where for example someone is suffering with oral cancer needing implants, or is born without teeth or suffers a serious road traffic accident, they are sometimes available in NHS dental hospital settings.

Alternatives to dental Implants

Whilst dental implants can be an effective solution, they may not be the best choice for everyone. There are alternatives to dental implants that can provide a natural-looking solution and preserve your existing teeth. Let’s explore some of these alternatives and see how they compare to dental implants.


A bridge is a popular alternative to dental implants and involves placing crowns on the teeth adjacent to the gap left by the missing tooth or teeth. A false tooth is then attached to the bridge, filling in the gap between the two crowns. Bridges are usually made from porcelain or ceramic and can look very natural when done properly. The main benefit of bridges is that they can last up to 15 years with proper care and maintenance.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are another option for replacing missing teeth, typically used when several teeth need to be replaced at once. Partial dentures are a removable appliance that fits into place over your gums and existing teeth and provides support for your jawbone while also preventing other teeth from shifting into the space left by missing ones. Partial dentures are made of acrylic resin or metal composite materials, which makes them durable but less aesthetically pleasing than some other options.


Dentures provide a full replacement for all of your missing teeth at once, without having to use any of your existing teeth like in a bridge replacement or partial denture situation. They are custom-fitted appliances that sit on top of your gums and can be taken out every night for cleaning purposes. Dentures come in both full sets (for all of your upper or lower teeth) or partial sets (for just some of them). Dentures have been around for centuries but have become much more comfortable and aesthetically pleasing in recent years due to advances in technology and materials used in their construction.

Finance options

We understand that the cost of dental implants, especially if you need several can be quite high and as a result offer 0% finance on all treatments

How Ruh Dental can guide you to get the right dental implant

With the number of dental clinics in the UK and abroad providing dental implants, it can be quite difficult to decide where to go for dental implants. At Ruh Dental you can rest assured that we have the very best clinicians to help you achieve the smile of your dreams, inspire you with confidence and become the best version of yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I get dental treatment on the NHS?

General Dental treatment is available on the NHS. However, cosmetic dentistry and dental implants are not available on the NHS.

Are Dental Implants painful?

Dental implants are not painful at all. The process of having them placed requires some anaesthetic. There can be some discomfort after the procedure, which can be remedied with over the counter painkillers

How long do dental implants last

Studies suggest that dental implants can last anywhere up to 20+ years if looked after well. This requires regular maintenance and cleans to ensure the dental implants lasts the test of time.

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