How much does root canal treatment cost?

The cost can depend on the difficulty and complexity of the procedure, but in general it depends on the number of root canals. Single rooted canals start from £300 with multiple rooted teeth starting from £650.

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Root Canal Treatment

per tooth

from £ 450

What is root canal treatment?

All teeth have a nerve supply which enables us to sense pain, pressure, hot and cold. The nerve is contained in the core of the tooth extending into canals which are based in the roots of the teeth.  If this nerve supply is affected through tooth decay, trauma or gum disease it can result in the nerve becoming exposed and infected which can result in a pain. This is the tooth’s way of telling us something is wrong. However, this can also make it difficult to eat, drink and sleep.

If the nerve has become involved for any of the reasons mentioned above, a root canal treatment may be required. This is also known as endodontic treatment and involves using delicate instruments to gently clean out the root canals, remove any exposed or infected nerve tissues and wash them all out to ensure the root canal is clean. Once they have been adequately cleansed, a rubber type filling material is placed within the canal system to ensure that bacteria cannot re-enter the tooth and that it can then be restored to normal function. The success rates are generally very high.

Without root canal treatment the only other alternative is to remove the tooth and leave the space, or replace it with either an implant, bridge or removable denture. Whilst these alternatives can be very successful, they do not compare to a natural tooth.

If you are in pain and are nervous or anxious, please do let us know, as we are very accustomed to treating patients who have dental anxiety or phobias. If this is the case, we can arrange for you to have sedation which will make you feel calm, relaxed and more comfortable throughout the procedure.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many appointments are required for root canal treatment?
Quite often it can be done in one appointment, but may require 2 or 3 appointments if there is a severe infection.
How long will the tooth last following root canal treatment?
Root canal treatment has a very high success rate and the tooth can last a lifetime is properly restored and looked after with regular brushing, flossing and regular check ups.
Does root canal treatment hurt?
Root canal treatment typically does not hurt as the use of local anaesthetic will ensure the area is adequately numb. The pain is actually worse before the treatment and it is the root canal treatment which provides pain relief
Is there any pain after the procedure?
There can be some discomfort afterwards, but this usually remedied with over the counter painkillers
What are the alternatives to root canal treatment?
The alternative to root canal treatment is the extraction of the tooth which can result in a functional chewing problem or aesthetic issue. Replacing the tooth with a prosthesis such as a denture, bridge or implant may be required.
Can all teeth have root canal treatment?
Whilst we will always try to preserve your natural teeth, when there is not enough tooth structure, bone support for the tooth or the canals are not accessible, root canal treatment may not be possible. We will only ever treat teeth that have a good long term prognosis. This will all be discussed with you on your appointment at your consultation appointment.
Can root canal treatment fail?
Root canal treatment like any other dental treatment is not guaranteed. However, research suggests that the success rates can be in excess of 90% if performed to a good standard. Failure can occur If there is further tooth decay, if the restoration fails and if the tooth is not maintained properly. If the tooth is not protected with an onlay or crown it can also cause fracture of the tooth. However, even if looked after well, root canal treated teeth can still fail. If this happens, further re-root canal treatment may be necessary.

Failure can occur for a variety of reasons including difficult or curved canals, complicated tooth anatomy or if the final restoration was not placed as soon as possible after the root canal treatment was complete. Also if the restoration had a poor fit which caused leakage or decay.
What is root canal re-treatment?
If the root canal treatment fails or the symptoms continue to persist, it may require a re-root canal treatment. This can become evident shortly after the procedure, but this can also become apparent many years after the initial treatment.
Will the re-treatment be successful?
Re-root canal treatment will not have the same success rates as a first time root canal treatment, but it can function for many years if the reason why it failed in the first place can be overcome. Advances in root canal treatment technology have helped treat more complicated problems, but re-root canal treatment is always more complicated.

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